So as a preamble I think I have justified this ego-shoulder rub and here goes!
Snow rests heavily on the rounded shoulders of Bourne End, the chill river like an icy scarf holding us in thrall. The song birds fight for survival in -5 with an irrepressible brightness whilst curmudgenly neighbours complain the impudent weather ought to clear off now it's had it's fun.
I luxuriate in school holiday fug, unwashed and fuddled, moving paper from one pile to another whilst "Bullet for my Valentine" cries in vain from my huffing eMac.
Wine has been ordered, utility providers chastised, e-mails scoured and personal accounts brought to book.
Wankel rotary engine! Embarassed? If so please sign up to Professor Karl Gruber's excellent course.
John Peel was in many ways a duffer, stumbling his way through a miasma of post-war confusion, trying all manner of routes to his purpose, fiercely refusing to conform in his gentle hippyish way. In music he found his calling, his connection to the rest of the human race, his raison d'etre, his own personal niche and resolutely stuck to his values; he was adored for it. From this vanatage point he was able to use his generosity, humour and love of music to touch millions and he is a shining example of how we can all be excellent as long as we pursue our purpose relentlessly.
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